Discovering Your Business Vision is Easy!

With Ventrek, you will uncover the eight core elements to your organization and set long term goals to achieve.

We help you identify the function, roles and priorities of core members in order to execute high-level plans that support operational efforts.

Core Building

Core building helps you uncover the eight core elements that are the heart and soul of your organization. Without them, organizations are lost at sea without any true heart and soul. Let us help you uncover the core of your organization.

  • Core Purpose: why you exist
  • Core Values: what you stand for (your guiding principles)
  • Core Competency: what you do best
  • Core Differentiators: what makes you unique against your competitors
  • Core Market: who you serve
  • Core Offering: what you offer your core market
  • Core Value Proposition: what need or want is fulfilled by you for your target market
  • Core Process: the customer journey

Once you do, you will find better engagement with employees, a greater sense of purpose and a clear, unified vision.


Do you know where you want to be in 5 years? Are you clear on your direction? What you want to achieve? Where you will end up? Jim Collins and Jerry Porras coined the term BHAG® in the seminal book, Built to Last. It's a finding that all great companies develop a Big Hairy Audacious Goal to help focus the organization toward the future.

  • This BHAG® is:
  • 5 to 10 years into the future
  • Acts as a catalyst for the organization to work forward
  • Incredibly powerful
  • Incredibly unifying
  • Incredibly important

We work with clients in discovering then clearly messaging their BHAG® with key stakeholders.

Corporate Governance

If you are running a high-growth entrepreneurial organization and have a Board of Directors or Board of Advisors, this offering is perfect.

We help the Board:

  • Identify their function
  • Identify their roles
  • Identify their priorities
  • Develop high-level plans to support the operational efforts

If you are struggling with figuring out how you can really leverage your Board to advance your strategic planning efforts, this service is for you.

The important thing is this: to be ready at any moment to sacrifice what you are for what you could become.

— Charles Dubois

Get Started

Are you ready to begin the
Ventrek Journey?